Exercise programs tailored to your physical function and home environment

What is SCIpe?

People with spinal cord injury are less physically active than the general population. With advances in technology, people with spinal cord injury who have limited access to fitness facilities can participate in home-based exercise programs delivered through an online platform.

The purpose of this study is to test the effects of two 8-week remotely-delivered tele-exercise programs: Movement-to-Music (M2M) and Standard Exercise Training (SET) on physical activity and quality of life outcomes in adults with spinal cord injury

If eligible, participants will be randomly enrolled into one of three groups: an M2M intervention group, a SET intervention group, or a control group.

This study is registered at ClinicalTrials (NCT03925077)

54 per one million people in the U.S. acquire a spinal cord injury each year
It is recommended that individuals with a spinal cord injury engage in 150 minutes of cardio each week
Individuals with a spinal cord injury are twice as likely to develop cardiovascular disease and other chronic secondary conditions than those without a disability
New spinal cord injuries are recorded worldwide each year

Frequently Asked Questions

Study Location

Where does the study and exercise program take place?

The SCIPE study will take place entirely online. You will be given access to study eligibility screening forms, consent form, study questionnaires, and exercise videos all through secured study websites.  The exercise program will be delivered to you in video-format, house in the secured study website so you can exercise at anywhere that is convenient for you.

Program Length

How long is the exercise program?

Each of the exercise programs is 8-weeks long and you will be asked to complete 3 exercise sessions per week at your own convenience. Before you start the exercise program, you will be given a list of baseline questionnaires to complete.  You will be asked to complete the same set of questionnaires at the end of the 8-week program at well as 4 weeks and 8 weeks after program completion.

This study is registered at, https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03925077


What is the enrollment process?

Before enrollment can begin you will need to complete a pre-study screening form that will help us determine if this study is a good fit for you. The online screening form can be accessed through the Sign-up button located at the top of this website page. Once your eligibility is confirmed, you will be given an online consent form that contains details about study participation. Signing and submitting the consent form will complete your enrollment into the study.

Functional Level

I have limited function to exercise. Can I still participate?

The exercise programs are designed to target people with different ranges of physical ability. Once you have signed-up the study, you will be asked to complete a screening form that will determine if this study is a good fit for you.


Where do I sign up?

Click here to begin the sign-up process.

Exercise Types

What kind of exercises would you do?

The exercise programs include range of motion, muscle strengthening, cardiovascular fitness, and balance exercises. The program will be adjusted and personalized to your needs based on your feedback. Each class ranges from approximately 10 to 60 minutes long.


Will I need equipment?

The program does not require you to have any equipment.

Potential Benefits

What will I get out of this program?

This program could improve your health and give you more energy, but these benefits are not guaranteed.


Does this study provide any compensation to participants?

Yes! For your participation in the SCIPE study, you will receive up to $160 and study equipment at no cost.

Sign up and start moving!

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